Dehumidifier drains to sump pit w/o pump

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New Member
Aug 1, 2011
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North Haven, CT
I am a newbie to homeownership and new to plumbing beyond fixing toilet flappers... We just bought a 7-year old house and found we have a sump pit (but later we learned that there is no sump pump) in our basement. The dehumidifier and coil condensation from the central air handler both drain into the pit, and we have a lot of rancid standing water in it. We believe the dehumidifier has operated with this set-up for years under the prior owners. Will this water eventually drain somewhere, or should we get a sump pump installed?

Also...we are getting periodic sulfur-like odors coming through our duct system. A plumber was by and found that it was not the rancid water from the sump pit causing our problem. He couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Is it possible it is sewer gas coming back through the main drain? Thanks for everyone's help!!!!