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Feb 8, 2020
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Has power and I assume gas. I changed thermostat and still get no call for heat Err 56.
Can I cross the thermostat terminals on the boiler to test if that will make the boiler run?
What else would prevent the boiler from starting?
How do i test to find out what it is?

Well, the boiler is telling you error 56. Do you happen to Know what the error code is?

I did A Google search And error code 56 has to do with the vent damper.
Error code 56 is no call for heat. How do i check the vent damper? Could it be something else?
Can I cross the thermostat terminals on the boiler to test if its the thermostat?
Check and see if vent damper has 24 volts going to it. I'm sorry, but I'm not at your house not next to the boiler. I can only go off of what you tell me. There's no pictures or anyting.
Check and see if vent damper has 24 volts going to it. I'm sorry, but I'm not at your house not next to the boiler. I can only go off of what you tell me. There's no pictures or anyting.

I will do that and check to see if its stuck. Usually if you cross the thermostat wires a boiler will start right up if its a thermostat issue, so perhaps its the damper.