I cut into a wall of a friends house to replace their washer faucets with a washer outlet box. They have their washer drain pipe currently hooked into the vent pipe using a wye fitting (I believe is the name) coming out of the wall (z-axis).
I looked down into the wall and see that the vent is directly into an S pipe which is exiting into the city sewage.
Vent to roof (left side) > WYE > S trap > City
Here is the current set up:
From my research I believe this is wrong. The correct to code solution is a single vertical vent. The drain for the washer should feed downward into a P-trap, travel 4" min. and then feed into the vertical vent (which is directly down into the city) via a sanitary T.
Correct way: (?)
So, this would be the easiest solution:
Just to replace the WYE fitting and turn it into the wall and have the washer box feed into it.
But I'm wondering if I'm able to vent at a 45 degree angle like the following solution or if that isn't to code.
Overall - I need help and I appreciate you folks!