Contraption to use shower drain for irrigation

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New Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Austin, Tx
OK. First, I wasn't sure whether to post this in Irrigation, Mobile Home, or Showers. This may sound crazy, but follow me here. This thought came to me as I was drifting to sleep last night.

We are in the middle of one of the worst droughts in this area's history, and the trees in my yard need a LOT of water to thrive (Pecan trees).

As mentioned above, I live in a mobile home. I'd like to come up with a way to have a controllable (perhaps some kind of lever controlled valve as seen on the drains of old bathtubs from the 70's) tap off the drain from just the shower to water the trees in my yard. The floor of my Mobile Home sits 34" above ground level so it only needs gravity to operate. But I'm unsure how to approach attaching such a thing to the shower drain (and what type of valve might be best suited to such a thing).
You are referring to "gray water irrigation." This is a concept which is really taking on support as our fresh water availability diminishes. The problem is many government entities still feel it is unsanitary, and will disallow it.

With this being said, many still do utilize their dirty water to irrigate with. They not only use their showers, but their sinks, dishwashers and washing machine water. Most just utilize a two way valve with some piping which is gravity fed to their plants. The biggest consideration is you would possibly need to change to a phosphate free soap, or another type or eco-friendly detergent for your washing.