Cold water very weak after city replaced outside shut-off valve

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New Member
Aug 15, 2011
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, MA
City personnel replaced and moved the fire hydrant in front of my house. While they were in that area digging they told me they would replace the shut-off and a portion of the supply line leading to the house. Upon completion of that work I get very little cold water in the two bathrooms (both are in the rear of the house). Needless to say, this greatly compromises usage of the showers, toilets, and sinks. The cold water flow is normal elsewhere: kitchen sink and washing machine.

Of course, I now need to know why this happened and how it can be fixed. Any ideas out there? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds like crud in the lines due to the disruption of your water lines. Pull the supply line under the sink and see if the pressure is better going into the valve. If so, you may have to clean up the screens and cartridges.
agree^^ or perhaps a partially closed shut off.

try havasu's idea first and then let us know the results, if need be further suggestions can be made.
If they were messing with the main they could have even got trash in the meter. Call the city to check that, its free and you won't be out a dime to have them check that out.
I think I'm all set with this matter. I "toggled" a couple of valves in the basement (situated near the rear of the house where the problem existed). The cold water flow is now much better in the bathroom sinks, toilets, and tubs. Barely did anything with the second one but that's when things seemed to change.
Thanks for the replies!