Changed wax ring twice, still leaks

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Steve Hadcroft

New Member
Oct 22, 2024
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I have water damage from the condo above. Owner has replaced wax ring twice, once himself, once by a pro. Leak remains.
Very slow drop every 3-4 min but has caused a lot of damage. Here's what I don't understand. When we shut the water off
to the tank and flushed, the drip stopped straight away and has been dry for 12 hrs. We are both seasonal so units are empty
for months at a time. He leaves his water on. Does water from the tank top up the trap to account for evaporation? The toilet
doesn't seem to run, ie leak from the tank into the toilet. Also his place is bone dry. Really confused.
Haven't got it apart yet. When the water was on and tank filled it was leaking even though it had not been flushed in months. That must mean the flapper was not sealing and the ring was leaking. Any other ways this could happen, ie leaking through ring even though no flushing.