cast iron pipes and tub questions

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Mt Airy, NC
I have cast iron pipes in the house(mid 60's). The pipe from the toilet in the main bath has a slight leak every so often from 2 pipes that connect to each other. I was told to use a screwdriver to tap the seal back into the pipe. Will this work or something else i can do and how long will it last? I know it needs replacing but that is out of the pic for a while. When taking a shower i get water coming out of the pipe for taking a bath what can i do for this? Also the same toilet takes 1 or 2 flushes to flush and takes a few mins to fill both tanks(back tank and the bowl). What can be done for that? thanks
Your cast iron drain is probably rusted. Depending on how bad, it may need to be replaced. Also, do you have galvanized steel plumbing? This accounts for a lot of internal pressure issues. Or, it could be as simple as making sure the valve that supplies your toilet is open all the way. Check this first!

Good luck.