basic water filtration question - DIY

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Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Cherry Hill, NJ
I have an old water filter in the basement that needs replacing. o ring is shot and the housing is just old.

The filter actually goes to the fridge upstairs and my insta-hot unit under the kitchen sink upstairs as well. The unit is branched out from a metal pipe then has small thin copper pipe to the unit and branches out to two more small (thin) copper pipes (1 to fridge other to insta-hot).

This system filters then goes to copper piping then plastic tubing in the fridge. The fridge reservoir is brown and will be replaced as well.

I wonder does it ever make sense to pass through copper after filtration? Should i just put my new unit behind the fridge (just bought Watts 2 stage under counter).

Also is there such a thing as BPA free tubing?
Those inline filters don't do you any good whatsoever. All they do is make the filter people wealthy selling you those string wound filter cartridges. Copper is fine for water if it isn't chlorinated.
Thanks for the reply. I'm speaking of using a Watts 2 stage under counter filter in the basement which i think is a bit different from an inline, maybe I'm wrong.

Are you suggesting that water filtration in general is not effective in filtering VOCs, sediment, Flouride, etc - even 5 stage ROS? If so what's your basis for that?

An under counter filter is great for getting rid of crud in your drinking water. Anyone who has ever lived near a chlorination plant can tell you that.

Copper tubing after your filter is nothing to worry about. Copper only causes health issues in relatively large amounts (more than 1,000 micrograms daily). The only way for the copper to get into your water from your pipes is through corrosion, usually due to an abnormally high acidity level in your water. If you have a serious issue with copper in your water you will be able to taste it as a metallic flavour.

Alternatives to copper such as CPVC or Pex piping have their own issues with micro-contamination due to product breakdown (as rare as copper cases). Switching from one to the other system without having a legitimate issue is really a waste of money. Basically, if it isn't broken don't fix it.
Thanks SD. Makes sense. On the line of Pex from the bit i learned is BPA free is most cases, then again a cold water flow might not produce leeching in the freezer type tubing so I might be over analyzing- but really want to produce quality water for the family.

On a more plumbing note [which i know very little of] I have to go from the attached pics to this recently purchased item here - Costco - Watts Premier 2 Stage Water Filtration System

Maybe some sort of adapta-valve like in the manual here? -

I'm not really sure how yo put the new unit where the old was.

my old junk


I install these filters all the time for customers, and all of them confirm the purchase was worth it by the difference in taste and odor changes for the better.

If your fridge is close to your kitchen sink, install that filter system there, put the spout on the deck of the sink and tee off that filtered line to catch the fridge.

Easy task, easy to do.
Those inline filters are a joke and directed at homeowners.

If you want a real filter that will remove all the chlorine, ammonia and fluoride, get a real one with a tank at least 9" X 48" filled with the correct media to remove those three items. Now you have a filter.
Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like your new unit takes 1/4" tubing as both an inlet and outlet. Your old unit appears to have 1/4" soft copper running out of one side which can either be adapted to fit the new unit, or removed and replaced with plastic., which may be easier (I hate adapting old soft copper).

The other side of your unit has a monstrosity of an elbow which I -think- is going into a 1/2" MIP. The second fitting is mostly out of the picture. I can only assume that above the picture is standard 1/2" copper. If this is the case, your easiest bet would be to cut the copper above the fittings and adapt to the necessary 1/4" tubing size.

Check the sizing of the required pipe for the new unit first though, I am really kind of guessing based on the picture.
some other pics. The branch I spoke of goes to the insta-hot and the fridge. New unit manual does not denote size, I should have it next week.



Typically the copper pipe leading to the Insta-hot and fridge is 1/4" copper, and you could replace it with the hard plastic poly type of line. I did the same thing until the plastic line got a pin hole in it from the constant vibration where it was touching my wall. I use copper only now.
I'll have to get the new unit in but I think I'm gonna try to adapt this to the existing connection, figure i'll have to run tube to copper unless someone knows better.

After this I'll probably try at ROS under sink
After some hard lessons i got this done. I used 3 connections from the 1 inch male intake. on the out i struggled with a compression fitting, muscling it to death till i was told plumbing is more finesse. After chasing a few leaks i decided to replace the fridge hoses which were nasty and the reservoir as well. i had 2 leaks there but finally got it under control.

plumbing is very challenging to say the least but i feel more confident now. I ended up running some cat6 cable that same weekend for my new LG internet ready Tv and today found out i have a leak under my sink.

I've been fixing broken things from Dec...the life of a homeowner.

thanks for the help folks!
yep. oddly this is some sort of elbow where the curved end just sits into the disposal. no threading on the disposal output or even a sleeve or anything!

The other thing you learn how the prior homeowner did or allowed some horrible work [and I'm a newb].

Oh well, i own it, i fix it.