I have a loud banging noise in my water pipes when the toilet is done flushing and when the spinkler system turns off. That loud banging noise is followed by what sounds like rattling pipes. I recently had some plumbing done in the kitchen: moved the hot and cold water pipes to move the sink over, ran a water line for my ice maker and water dispenser on my fridge. Also, just started up our sprinkler system for the summer. The guy at home improvement says it's the pressure regulator. I can't find one connected to the main water line, I may have to dig under my lawn to find it (if I have one). My water pressure is registering around 95 psi. Could I add a second (or first?) water pressure regulator by the main valve if I don"t find it?
I read a lot on line that the lines need to be drained.
Please help. What is going on? And how do I solve this?
Char t