Anyone ever successfully file a claim with Utility Company?

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Dec 28, 2024
Reaction score
King of Prussia, PA
I found this forum a few weeks ago when I was at my wit's end with regards to a leaking gas meter. My local utility, PECO, back in mid-November replaced the main gas pipeline on my street for the entire block, along with the meters located in front of each house. Right after they changed out my meter for a "new" one I smelled a leak. Called them over and they said it was the regulator and a crew would come later that day and replace. They may or may not have - no idea as I wasn't there. But the leak remained.

Before it was finally solved, I wound up calling PECO's emergency gas leak hotline a total of 4 times. Each time they sent a tech out within an hour as promised. First guy insisted it was the nipple pipe that connects the meter to my inside gas piping. He replaced it, insisting that it normally would be my responsibility to call a plumber and pay to get it replaced, but since PECO replaced the meter recently it was the likely cause of the leak so he did it. It didn't fix the problem. And the pattern for these guys is they leave without verifying the problem is fixed. ANd the gas smell was intermittent depending on wind, etc.

Next guy isolated it to the regulator and replaced it. Then left. Leak remained.

Third guy isolated it to the nipple pipe. I insisted to him that it was already replaced by his colleague. He insisted his colleague should have never replaced it as it's my responsibility, and it is definitely the source of the leak and I need to call a plumber. I called a plumber and they replaced the nipple as well as some old piping that I asked them to replace while they were there. Total cost of $1329. The leak remained after pressure testing the house piping - the plumber stayed while I called the PECO emergency line for a fourth time over the prior 2+ weeks. This last guy, because my plumber insisted it has to be the meter, finally isolated the leak to a pinhole in the back plate. He replaced the meter with a new one and problem solved.

I just got my latest PECO bill and it is more than double what the last bill was, and about $75 more than this month a year ago. Same for the last bill.

I was thinking about filing a claim (they have a form for this on their website) to recoup some of the unnecessary plumbing cost, plus the inflated bills. But I'm not sure it's worth the hassle. Anyone ever successfully get money back from these clowns?