Hello - I am an American living in Sweden and am trying to fix an issue under our sink where the drain water can not drain unless I pull out the light gray flexible tubing inserted into the dark gray piece (pictures below) to allow some air vent, otherwise the air pressure in the pipe does not allow any drainage at all.
The upper piece is only inserted into the bottom piece, it is not fastened. The thinner flexible piece on the right is the dishwater drain tube.
When a large volume of water is dumped into the sink, like when emptying a bucket for example, the system seems to get overwhelmed and the water cannot drain fast enough, the upper pipe gets forced deeper into the lower pipe closing off the air, then water overflows out of gap an runs all over. The force of a lot of water creates a back pressure that the pipes cannot vent.
It has been happening more often now, with less quantities of water to trigger
it.And now happens when the dishwasher is run. The water still drains fine when just the tap is running. If I forced the two pipes together, then there is no drainage at all.
I snaked the line today as far as I could, about 40 feet, and forced through some sludge, but it didn't seem like any major blockage.
The two pipes are not connect fast, but only one inserted into the other. I have been using a workaround where the top pipe is not inserted fully into the bottom piece to allow some venting. But that is now failing.
It is a fairly new kitchen install (within the past 5years) and I asked a local plumber when it first happened if perhaps there is a venting issue, but he said it was not venting, snaked it real good, but said that was about all he could do.
In summary, if I push the two pipes together, there is no air venting and no drainage. As a workaround, I pull the tubes apart slightly to allow some venting which enables drainage. But this can lead to leakage, and the system gets overwhelmed when, for example, I pour a bucket of water in the sink or fill then empty the basin, and water leaks out an onto the floor.
Drainage in our shower and all other sinks in the house are fine. So I am thinking there is something wrong with the set up versus an issue with the main sewage line running out of the house.
Looking for some advice......Thanks!
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