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  1. I

    Missing p trap in shower and I think my contractor is lying… am I wrong ?

    Hi. I recently completed a condo renovation. My contractor had a plumber come do some work like the new shower. Since, I’ve had horrible sewage smell in my bathroom and master bedroom. At night it’s unbearable. I attached photos. Here’s what it looked like before they finished the platform...
  2. operator

    Trouble fitting replacement shower drain cover

    Hi, I'm trying to replace a shower drain cover with one that has smaller holes, but I can't find an exact match. The cover is 4 1/4 inches. The issue is that the original one (1st attachment) has two triangular prongs and the replacement (3rd attachment) has four smaller ones. Does anyone know...
  3. H

    Mysterious sediment substance clogging hot water lines

    Hello, We have had a mysterious problem for the last two months at our house. There has been a persistent flow of some sort of sediment that is clogging everything on the hot water side. Our setup: City water --> softener --> tankless heater We also have a recirculation loop with a small 6...
  4. mcurrie84

    (Almost) No Hot Water Out of Shower/Tub Faucet

    I am a new homeowner and am learning the ropes. We have a tankless coil water heater on our oil furnace. The hot water pressure in the entire house leaves a lot to be desired and has gotten worse as of late. I suspect the coils need to be cleaned and I'll get to that as soon as I can. However...
  5. rob weaver

    Fiberglass tub drain keeps leaking...

    I've got a Fiberglass tub, cannot get the gasket to seal at the drain. Keeps leaking from below, thus cause our floor to rot underneath. Seems like the drain opening isn't level. Is there any way to fix this? Would sanding or JB WaterWeld work?
  6. rob weaver

    Shower faucet line help.

    Ok, I know it looks bad lol. I can't remember what type of metal connector was used on the 2 line behind tube. Looks like a washer and screw on fitting. I've ran new pex and cut offs up to it but need new connectors. PLEASE HELP.
  7. D

    Wood rot under shower

    So I got my shower pan and everything else out, as I suspected there is a little wood rot. Most of it is solid and everything is dry but there are some small soft spots in the very outside corners. We aren’t wanting to remove the existing bathroom floor. For the new shower we are going to use...
  8. D

    How to remove shower drain

    So I’ve gotten this far, castle nut removed and to the rubber seal. The shower pan acts like it’s still attached. Could anyone help me with what I need to do now to get this thing out? Thanks in advance
  9. Khalin Mccabe

    Shower valve remove

    Hi I am replacing a shower valve that is giving issue I was only problem is I haven't seen one like this one and can't figure out where to begin removal has anyone here seen this and how did you get around it?
  10. G

    Shower head spontaneously starts dripping.

    What causes a shower head to spontaneously start dripping? The shower's water is totally turned off at the single lever control at the shower and at the control for the shower wand which is located approximately 6 feet away. It happens when no one has used the shower for hours or even a day or...
  11. H

    Stuck Screw Stops on Shower

    I need to replace the cartridge on my Kohler shower. I am trying to turn the screw stops to shut the water off at the shower but they are stuck. I have tried with about 80% force in either direction but they will not budge. Should I try turning the screw with greater force? Can I break...
  12. magictrampnj

    Would I be able to buy that small plastic part only?

    (no luck in HD/Lowe's nor nearby small shop so far)
  13. C

    Options to turn on/off rain shower independently

    Hi everyone! trying to problem solve a cost effective solution to this shower situation. I apologize I only have limited information, any ideas would be greatly appreciated! This home was recently built. Due to a number of miscommunications the shower set up was changed along the way. It is my...
  14. F

    Tub to Shower in a condo

    I have a contractor who wants to turn a tub into a shower in a condo and I can't get access to the unit below to replace the p trap with a new 2" line and the floor demo must be kept to a minimal. I haven't been able to find a way to adapt onto the existing 1 1/2" copper tub waste to transition...
  15. V

    Shower Valve ID

    Hi ! Can I have some help to identify this Shower Valve? The handle broke. And can't seem to find anything similar at my locals plumbing shops. Nothing on the handle or cover plate. Thanks for any help!
  16. M

    Remove and clean shower valve

    I’m looking to remove and clean the filter on my shower valve. Is it difficult to remove and put back? Any advice appreciate thanks.
  17. C

    Delta shower cartridge help

    Hi Guru's! We're stumped and would appreciate some help. We have an older Delta setup in our shower with a handle that broke off recently. The handle/cartridge assembly [apologies if this is the wrong vernacular!] is what we are looking to replace, but we cannot find it anywhere...
  18. C

    Shower Pull on tub Faucet Leaks

    The pull to turn the shower on drips while tub is in use. Is there call for concern? What does this mean? I’d like to fix it if there was a way. Thanks in advance.
  19. J

    Help with identifying shower faucet

    Hi everyone, My shower faucet isn’t working, but the tub faucet is - and the issue is that I don’t see a brand name anywhere. I unscrewed the faucet and still didn’t see anything on the back. I was wondering if anyone recognizes this piece from the photo? Thanks so much!!!
  20. D

    Plumber's putty and silicone caulk on bathroom drain

    We had a cleaner in our home and they cleaned out the exposed plumbers putty that was showing by the shower pan drain flange. It wasn't a large amount of plumber's putty. I haven't seen any signs of a leak but we've also stopped using the shower. I've searched a lot to find any information...