While repairing a tough water main leak, Propane was smelled.

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2019
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Hard long work digging a four foot deep trench to find a water main leak under four feet of earth. And it was caused by the water companies Chinese pressure regulator valve failing allowing water pressure higher than 125PSI .(see my post)
While digging the trench, I smelled Propane...again. For over two years I've been calling the Propane company that we have smelled Propane close to the tank as we walk by.
A company Rep would come by and spray soapy water on the fittings and find nothing wrong.
Last night I smelled Propane for the second time that day. I took soapy water and sprayed all of the fittings that could be easily seen. No leak.
I then sprayed Under the two stage pressure regulator and sure enough, there is a leak in the diaphragm equalizing valve. How much Propane have I lost over the years?
I called the company and told them what I found. The Pakistani operator told me to evacuate my home and call the fire department! Clearly not understanding what I had just told her.
After 30 minutes of playing verbal combat, she said a Tech would come by to see what was wrong. He did, and he agreed there was an abnormal leak using the soapy water.
He called his boss who told me I was to pay for a new regulator on the companies tank. After a few more verbal battles, he is coming in the AM to replace the regulator at no charge.
The last seven days have been trying to say the least.