If it was me, I would find out exactly what is required and/or not required by the authorities having jurisdiction, first. How you do that is up to you.
Once you know exactly what you're dealing with, you'll know what to do.
You could start off by letting use know you're location and someone may already know the actual requirements or could find them out.
When that type of device is installed, it is typically required that the authorities having jurisdiction are made aware of it, for their recording, and to see that it is tested by a certified tester, based on a predetermined schedule(commonly annually).
The thing is, if you haven't been contacted by the water purveyor and you have lived there for more than a year, chances are they are not aware of it.
And these things typically cost in the neighborhood of a $125 to $150 to have tested. At least in my neck of the woods, some 8 years or so ago.