PEX is a general term we use in plumbing. Like IBM use to mean any computer. We have used both the name brand PEX rings but after a year started using the Zurn rings. The cost of your tool will be about for stainless steel rings The SS rings cost about 10 cents more than the black clad rings but the big difference is this. The crimpers for SS rings will crimp 3/8 to 3/4 and will fit in you back pocket. The crimpers for the black clad are large , not cost effective and usually only crimp one size ring.. The PEX rings have to be held in place at 1/8: for the end of the pipe while you are crimping. The Zurn have a stop on them which prevents the erroe of crimping th rings too far away from the end of the pipe. Most of the Zurn crimpers have a blue light that comes on when the crimp is correct and will crimp 1". Thought it is a struggle to crimp 1" it can be done with 2 haands. Your cost on the crimpers will range between $95 and $125 and will last over 2 years if you keep the dirt off them