Watts antiscald valves

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New Member
Jan 29, 2019
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london, ontario
Good Day,

I have a Watts antiscald valve plumbed into the water piping at the water heater. It is almost 12 years old.

Do these valves every need replacing? Seems in the last couple of months the hot water temperature has decrease from 120f down to 100f.

I have had the water heater checked out but the temp at the facet is 100f . Does not seem hot enough for me.

Out of curiosity why do you have an anti-scald valve at your water heater? Do you keep the water heater at 140 degrees due to legionnaire disease concerns?

I've never had good luck with my Watts anti-scald valves off my heating boiler. But that's a completely different application and set of conditions. Mine tended to have a buildup within the valve, primarily due to hard water(I believe), in my case.
It is at the water heater. Dividing the household hot water into full hot water, whatever the heater is set to, to the dishwater and 120 degree water for the rest of the house.