Water Softener Update

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Active Member
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
san francisco, CA
In January 2021, I noticed the water was not being softened. I decided to replace the 23 year old resin. I dumped out the old resin and installed 16,000 grains of resin. The house is vacant and my sister uses the house once a week and I use it once every three weeks. With the new resin, the water was once again soft. In June of this year, the water was hard again after regeneration. I checked the salt tank and saw that the water was dirty. I cleaned the float assembly and bought a 5 gallon bucket at the hardware store. I dissolved 12 pounds of salt in five 1 gallon Crystal Geyser water bottles. I poured the 5 gallons of water and dissolved salt into the 5 gallon bucket. I put the float assembly in the bucket and started a manual regeneration. My Autotrol 460i water softener draws in about 4 and 3/4 gallons of brine.

The water is now 1 grain hard, as measured with the 3 bottle water hardness procedure. I normally see the water 3 grains hard after a regeneration.