Water damage and flooring questions

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Sep 12, 2020
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Hi. I recently noticed a soft spot in my vinyl flooring and removed a section of that floor which revealed a water damage underneath. My floor had these layers:
- slab
- some type of coating (?)
- something that looks like linoleum (or maybe that some type of underlayment
- engineered wood floor (the lacquer was sanded down)
- Quietwalk underlayment
- vinyl panels

The water damage to the wooden floor (under vinyl) was only present in the center on the house in a hallway and closets (where I have AC air handler unit) between bathrooms and living room. What's odd is that I also found a wet spot in another room. I attached a plan showing my house layout and the damage location.

I had a water mitigation who was drying the wooden floor, however it was going on for week now without any progress. I then called a leak detector who listen to the pipes but he did not find any leak source, he said that it's either a moisture barrier failure or AC leak but he was not certain. I went ahead and removed the wooden floor today in the hallway and in the damaged spot in the bedroom. I also sprayed the slab with a mold killer just in case.

Now, in the bedroom, right in the center of where the damage occured, I've noticed a small hole, it looks like it was drilled it for whatever reason. I also found two holes in the closet located in the hallway.

I would appreciate if someone could answer a few questions:
1. What is that vinyl thing under the wooden floor and why would someone use that under the wood?
2. What is that white layer over slab, is that some moisture barrier?
3. Could the water damage occur through those small holes?
4. is it possible that the wooden floor rotted this much within less than 6 months (there was a major flooding in my area after hurricane Milton but the water never reached the house, might have came through the slab though, specifically through those small holes due to underground pressure)?
5. Since there is a water supply line, sewer drain line and AC condensate drain line running under that hallway, is there any way to rule out any possible leak from all of these?

If the hole is now opened up, try flushing out the condensate line from the A/C unit to see if water flows out of the hole. My condensate line clogged once and I had 2 rooms in 1-2" of water.
What a mess.
A proper slab in a living space needs a moisture/vapor barrier on top to prevent moisture getting to the finish floor and into your home.
In your case, it’s possible that the coating on the slab was trying to achieve this. Then, my guess is a cushion underlayment (you indicated maybe linoleum) next for the next layer before the engineered wood floor. THEN, another layer of underlayment, followed by the [for now] final vinyl panel finish floor.
Done properly, you DO NOT layer these things on top of one another. You remove and replace. Most flooring manufacturers (life roofing!) would always say remove old flooring. Probably no warranty when done like you describe. Someone trying to save money by doing it wrong.
Your pipes in the slab SHOULD be sleeved thus it should be easy to determine a problem inside and replace if necessary. If just buried in concrete, another mess I’m afraid.
Hopefully a good plumber with the right diagnostic equipment can look inside your sleeves.