Washing machine spigot

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Jul 11, 2023
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20230704_084938.jpg20230704_084938.jpg20230704_084938.jpgWhat could you tell me about this spigot. Is this brass soldered?

Sorry about photos, I am all thumbs with these "new" gadgets.20230711_150711.jpg
Looks more like lime and calcium buildup to me...
I was wondering about the gray piece looking as if it was pasted on (because of it I have thought that maybe the faucet was soldered).

I have managed to remove, with some home made paste, most of the lime. On the photos you can see "the before the lime removal look". I have thought as well that the grayish stuff is lime that I couldn't remove - but that piece with "pasted on look" was perplexing to me. And the faucet seems to leak in more then one place judging by the grayish colour.

If this is brass spigot could it be that it has been damaged by the lime and hence the piece with "pasted on look" on hexagonal part?

This spigot has obviously been leaking - now and then - for the long time, but every time I've looked under the machine everything was dry (there was some dry lime on the floor that I used to remove now and then over the years - I've always thought it was the water from theshower). And my father tilted the spigot (long time ago) so I couldn't see the lime trail on the spigot.

Could it be that, when the water pressure in the pipes rises, the spigot starts dripping for some time and then it stops?

Maybe two weeks ago I have seen for the first time (in 39 years) some water behind the machine. This faucet has been there for 39 years.

Before lime removal 1.JPGBefore lime removal 2.JPG