Washing Machine Leaking

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Sep 15, 2018
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Hello I have a old model duel dryer/washer, I don't have experience with repairing washing machines but each time clothing is washed it leaks water Not sure if its a damaged hose or what. Ive been hesitant to look into it due to my lack of washing machine knowledge anyone have any ideas on how to fix this other then buying a new machine?
Pull it out from the wall, look for signs for signs of leaks.

If you don’t see where it was leaking, take off the back access panel. Look fore water stains.

Fill it with water, and stop it before it agitates. Let it set a few minutes, and look for leaks.

If you haven’t seen any leaks, turn it on and let it agitate, and look for leaks.

If you still haven’t found the leak, run it through a drain cycle.

But there are only a couple of hoses, and a pump in there that can leak.