Stand alone tub drain in slab to p trap

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New Member
Mar 15, 2025
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I removed an old garden tub and we are installing a new soak tub with an end drain. The p trap is below the slab pretty far...I'm already 12" deep, and it's offset by at least a foot. How can I tie in the new tub drain to the current drain system without using the included flex drain tubing? Can I use 90s with proper slope to the main drain that then goes into the p trap? Or another solution?
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Dig up and expose the trap. Cut the old trap out. Install a new trap at the proper drain rough in dimension of the new tub. Install a new free standing tub drain. tub drain
Thanks. I definitely know of the included rough in you added here. I was trying to see if there is a way to get around digging up old trap or not. Can I not use 90s or something else or is it a must to move and re-do the trap? (In TX)
You can offset the tailpiece going into the trap if you can get it to where you need to without horizontal offsets. I would not use 90's, only 45's or 22.5's.
You can offset the tailpiece going into the trap if you can get it to where you need to without horizontal offsets. I would not use 90's, only 45's or 22.5's.
Thank you. That answered my question.
Not sure why 90 cannot be used as the old drain system has short 90s into to main drain before the trap (seen in picture). I understand 45/22.5 are better for flow though.
This made me think a little more. With the incorporated overflow in the new tub, is separate venting needed? I'm guessing no, but just a question for the future.