Snaked Kitchen Sink. Still clogged. Now what?

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Aug 4, 2014
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I started a thread a couple days ago about a clogged kitchen sink. I took off the P trap and snaked it (25 foot snake that feeds into a circular drum). I snaked it a few times. Got some hair and tons of the black goop. But every time I put the P trap back on and ran the water, it would still back up. :(

Is the problem deeper? Do I need an industrial, power operated snake?

There's a cleanout just below my kitchen sink (on the outside of the house). Could I open that and use my 25 foot, hand fed snake or is that snake too small for that job?

Oh and for what it's worth, the snake always gets stuck right after I start feeding it through where the P trap was (in the J Pipe coming out from the wall). I noticed this 2 weeks ago in my bathroom when that too was clogged. But each time I work it thru, it returns back with no hair balls or clumps. I just thought it was probably meeting a 90 degree point. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks again. Been trying to educate myself with all this stuff. :confused:

EDIT: Since first writing this I noticed the hopper in my garage is backing up too, when I ran the washing machine. It's directly downline from the sink.
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