Sizzling - this can't be good

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Was it the bacon? Pipe bacon is a threat that nobody expects to have to deal with. A tasty, tasty threat.
From reading the deleted post I guess he put in a new water heater and was hearing sizzling near the burner so he turned it on and off a few times then left it on and the sizzling stopped. Probably just some water where it wasn't supposed to be from the install. Or he has burnt down the house and it no longer matters why anymore. Only he knows.
I'll never use bacon on an install again.

Yes to Chris ... after the burner was on for about 30-45 minutes, the problem resolved. So it had to be water that somehow intruded, rather than an internal leak.
That is a common occurrence. The moisture in the air actually precipitates out due to the colder water in the tank.
It has something to do with the dew point and the moisture in the air condensates on the tube going up through the water heater because of the cold water in the WH tank.