Single Standard Basin Faucets

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New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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, Ma
I have an old bathroom face bowl with single H/C basin faucets.
In the past 3 years I have replaced the Hot faucet three times because it will not shut off no matter how hard it is turned. I don;t turn the faucet on now for fear it will not stop running at full force. I can get it to turn off partially, but it is always running(not just dripping) a bit.
The brand I get is the B&K Standard Basin Faucet, inexpensive,I know.

Can anyone tell me if it is the quality of materials I buy to be installed, the need for merely a washer in there, or ....what? It seems the workmen are just content to install a replacement or are eager to install a whole new "modern"faucet style because "basin faucets are unheard of these days".
Labor is expensive as well as a run away water bill on a pension.
Any help will be appreciated!

3 times in 3 years. Hmm, sounds like more than just quality of faucet being a problem. Do you have excessively high pressure or temperature? When you say that you are replacing the faucet, are you replacing the whole thing or just the stem or washers? Also, are the new basin faucets a cartridge faucet or stem/washer faucet? It sounds as if the washers are being changed, but if there are no seats inside the valve body and the inside is pitted and corroded, your faucet will continue to leak shortly after washers/stems are changed. Answering these questions may give us a better lead as to why so many issues with the faucet in such a short period of time.
thanks for the reply.
each time the whole shebang is replaced as a kit..
seat/stem,washer ,bibb washer,etc. It is a brass construction faucet.
After a few months it feels as if the rubber washer inside has no resistance to it...then the drip begins and the slow running. The faucet cannot be turned any tighter.
Water pressure is low on the hot water.
Wish I could be of more help to you. This may be too difficult to figure out via the internet.
To me it seems as if the faucet cast may have a defect in it the will seal up with new gaskets but once they get used a little don't seal up anymore. It is likely time to swap out the whole thing.
I agree...I am going to the Depot and see what I can find..that is IF the single basin water faucets
are still being made.

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