I have a tile shower with 2 feeds in. We used to have a shower head and wand at both ends of the shower. Well, the ceramic people didn't pre-slope the drain, so it all has come out. For the new shower I would like to do one shower system. (bad news) We have 1/2 lines (PEX) coming in. I was thinking of putting the overhead and wand on one line, and using the second for running the side sprayers. I would like 4-6 sprayers. This would allow us to use the shower with or without the side sprayers, and the only inconvenience being having to turn on two trims. Does that sound like it will work? Second question, the trim would be about 8 ft away from the actual nozzles, a lot of pipe around the walls but will be nice to turn on shower without getting wet. Any issue with running 10-15 ft of pipe after the trim?