Shower head ball joint.

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May 26, 2018
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Are shower head ball joints all the same size? Universal/standard. Not referring to the coupling that I know is universal/standard 1/2 inch, but the size of the ball itself. Thanks for your help.
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The ball is probably not universal. They are all specific to the particular head that goes on it.
Price Pfister used to make an arm that had a ball on the end instead of threads, so you would have to change the arm of find an adapter.
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I am “customizing” a shower head. Want to know if they are interchangeable. Compared two. They appear to be the same size. One chrome, one ABS plastic. It IS the main part of a shower head, regardless of manufacture, design and type. Right, the old shower arm with ball attached. Good that we advanced from that.
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I realize that this is an unusual, boring plumbing question. Can anyone provide information about this? Thanks.
Mr_David already gave you your answer. I will reiterate: The "ball" is a integral proprietary part of any shower head and is NOT for use with a different shower head. Whenever a shower head is replaced the entire shower head must be replaced. This includes the half with the ball joint.
SHR. I understand what you are saying. Understand that I have tinkered around with many things, including shower heads for years. Including whether I choose to have the water that I pay for restricted or not. Yep, manufacturers are designing shower heads more “tamper proof” because of gmp “restrictions”. No I don’t reside in California. I am sure the shower head ball joints may be somewhat different in size comparing several different shower heads. My gut tells me that they are probably the same size.
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Then go with your gut.
You asked " Are shower head ball joints all the same size? Universal/standard? "
NO, they are not.

Some heads may have a common ball size, but the ball size is not a standard

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