Sewer Ejector Pump Sucks the water from the toilet and possibly the Shower - How to fix?

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Sep 29, 2018
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So the ejector pump in the basement is sucking the water out of the toilet and most likely the shower. The fix seems to be connect the drain of the pump directly to the 3" main. Is this correct? If so, would the double wye pictured second to last be the way to go or have two separate 3"x 2" connectors one on top of the other?

Thanks for the help
Well right off the bat, that's a bad vent arrangement but I'll let the professional plumbers comment on the overall arrangement of piping and venting. Also, it should be noted that venting is typically required downstream of trap seals. For example, is toilet vented?

What I'd like to know is what is the maximum flow rate of the sump pump and what is it pumping? Because even after the arrangement of piping and vents get resolved, it's likely that the 2" line is too small for flows from the shower, sink and pump.

Do you experience any "sucking the water out of the toilet" or a very low level, without the pump running?
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Ejector pumps should always be tied into the main ahead of all other fixtures. The extreme rush of water will siphon poorly vented traps, as per your situation here
I think he might be talking about the toilet not on pump but below pump entrance ,below that toilet. I can see that upstairs toilet getting sucked dry by dumping all that below the toilet. But yeah you got serious venting issues and a whole lot of pictures with questions. You need a plumber. It will take you forever to fix by asking us. We fight over the best way and will tie you up for days second guessing everything. But for our best advise. We have learned to need the state you live in. Codes vary. And no pronouns. Identify each thing as you come to it in writing. From the pictures I see. You would be better off cutting out most of that work and starting over. But if you must make it work this way. Studor vents. Mostly one on top of pump tank hanging out all alone. Need a picture of top of pump tank also. Should be a discharge pipe and separate vent pipe coming thru top. The seperate vent is suppose to go at least 42” above highest sink rim before tying into existing venting or take this vent out to roof. Then your discharge pipe should be dumping into a vented drain line. Right now your dumping into a toilet stack. The discharge should be downhill from the next vented pipe. Or directly into the 3” main vent. But not under a toilet. Good luck god bless.