Rinnai RL75i Tankless Water Heater

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Dec 30, 2019
Reaction score
Dublin, VA
I have a recurring problem with hot water temperature regulation. While showering, the water temperature will fluctuate. Once the water is to temperature after a few minutes the temperature will go down to Luke warm for a minute then hotter than original temperature then back to starting temperature. This will have 2-3 times during a 15 minute shower. It is quite aggravating. Any suggestions on this?
I have a recurring problem with hot water temperature regulation. While showering, the water temperature will fluctuate. Once the water is to temperature after a few minutes the temperature will go down to Luke warm for a minute then hotter than original temperature then back to starting temperature. This will have 2-3 times during a 15 minute shower. It is quite aggravating. Any suggestions on this?
I suggest you call the manufacturer and see what they have to offer.
We had neighbors that installed a tankless water heater, never could get it to work satisfactorily. They eventually put a small tank type heater in series after the tankless.