Plumbing Problem Advice Needed

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Feb 8, 2015
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I am in an apartment and need to change the supply valve to one of my 2 bathrooms toilets, problem is my main valve does not tightly seal off the water supply to the whole apt. I have worked on several projects by shutting the valve and then further cutting down any flow by opening taps in other rooms, but I'm concerned about changing a valve like this and possibly not being able to stop the flow! Any suggestions would be appreciated ...Thanks John
Yes, opening all other valves is a good trick.
But you can have your landlord or association turn off the main, or just the branch to your wing if you are in a larger building.

Send a few pics of the shutoff you are servicing. From different angles.
Yes agree with Jeff.
Try to get your landlord to fix the shutoff to your apartment. If that doesn't happen for whatever reason, certainly plan to repair or replace your main valve when they shut off the larger branch main. Of course that may get a little sticky if you're doing the fix rather than a licensed plumber.
Post pics of shutoff valve!
Post pics of shutoff valve!

It is very easy to remove the guts of many common shutoff valves in just a half minute or so, then wipe out the valve body with a wadded paper towel dampened with vinegar.
Then pop in new guts, which you will have ready because you just bought that EXACT same valve from Home Depot or wherever.

New valve body will be thrown away, no big deal.

But this always works for me, in a situation where getting the entire old shutoff valve off is iffy, or hard to access, galvanized nipples might partially unscrew somewhere hard to access and fix, like behind the wall.

Or on copper pipe, the old brass ring is sometimes squeezed on tightly, getting it off quick and clean while water is trickling out and running onto the floor is an unnecessary risk.

Just leave the ring and the nut behind it attached, clean up any sediment, and attach an EXACT matching valve to that old ring and nut.
Make it nice and tight, get a good squeeze on the old ring which might be nicked up a little from age.
When you are twisting out the guts from a valve, you want the valve about halfway open.
So the sealing washer and stem are not being pressured while you are removing or threading in the new stem.
Parts in there are often just plastic, be advised.
Thanks I will post some photos, also this is a Condo, I own, I don't think the board will shut anything off as it is only 65 unit building, and the few board members we do have ...don't know what a screwdriver is! So they will want me to call a Plumber! And I did look into replacing the Main valve in my unit, but in this area they wanted between 800-$1000 I would prefer to avoid that bill!
I also live in a condo, we can put in a request to our Association to have the water in any area turned off for a few hours.
A building your size will likely have separate zones that can be shut off, per floor or per wing, etc.
My building Association wants a day or two of notice, and a time window.
They do not ask for proof of license etc as far as I know.

I am a handyman, not a pro plumber, and never had any other condo problems getting customers’ requests granted for a water shutoff for a few hours, with proper notice.
I live and work in Chicago suburbs, rules and common practice might be different in your area.
Thanks I will post some photos, also this is a Condo, I own, I don't think the board will shut anything off as it is only 65 unit building, and the few board members we do have ...don't know what a screwdriver is! So they will want me to call a Plumber! And I did look into replacing the Main valve in my unit, but in this area they wanted between 800-$1000 I would prefer to avoid that bill!
Wow...You must be on the Coast of California. :eek:
Just as Bad! ..I live near the Beach in South Florida! ..As for asking the Board to shut down the water on my Stack, I'm going to look into it! I have heard of it being shut before but only by licensed Plumbers for major jobs. ...Florida Condos don't like DIY's ..LOL! Thanks John

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