Post pics of shutoff valve!
Post pics of shutoff valve!
It is very easy to remove the guts of many common shutoff valves in just a half minute or so, then wipe out the valve body with a wadded paper towel dampened with vinegar.
Then pop in new guts, which you will have ready because you just bought that EXACT same valve from Home Depot or wherever.
New valve body will be thrown away, no big deal.
But this always works for me, in a situation where getting the entire old shutoff valve off is iffy, or hard to access, galvanized nipples might partially unscrew somewhere hard to access and fix, like behind the wall.
Or on copper pipe, the old brass ring is sometimes squeezed on tightly, getting it off quick and clean while water is trickling out and running onto the floor is an unnecessary risk.
Just leave the ring and the nut behind it attached, clean up any sediment, and attach an EXACT matching valve to that old ring and nut.
Make it nice and tight, get a good squeeze on the old ring which might be nicked up a little from age.