Outside water line question

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Chris Earnest

New Member
Aug 5, 2019
Reaction score
Rome, GA
I have a leak between the meter and where the water line comes in my house. Not a big deal right? The problem is the line runs under my driveway and enters in my basement. In the basement the line is 70 inches from the corner of the house and 30 inches from the top of the retaining wall. When I measure that on the driveway it is about 12 feet from the nearest edge. There is about an 18 inch gap from the driveway to the house that has azaleas so technically I could dig down there.
I had a plumber come out today and he had me call so we can get underground utilities marked, did that. What he is suggesting is to find the water line closer to the meter which is in grass before heading under my driveway, and he said he could run a new line in the old one and pop it out in the basement. This would save the big expense of busting up the driveway but what are the negatives? I am assuming we would lose pressure in the house with a smaller pipe coming in?
If I need to provide pictures I can, just trying to see if this guy is crazy and do I need to call in a bigger company. He is a one man show (not bad) but trying to be realistic.
Also the water is not just shooting out, I turn it off and on at the meter when we need to wash or cook.
Why would you want to go to a smaller pipe size?
I would either drive a new pipe line through, below the driveway(there are a few different methods of doing this), or just cut a slot in the driveway and repair it.