No hot water whatsoever is coming out of the bathroom tap. This is the only tap in the house that is affected. Because we have relatively hard water, and the flexible line running from the shut off valve under the sink to the faucet has one of those flood safe connectors, I thought it was very likely the line was plugged with sediment. I removed the line, and sure enough, it was plugged. Yea! Jubilation! Problem solved! So I unplugged the fitting and line, even soaked it in a solution of CLR. After I reattached it to the water line, I opened up the valve to determine if water would flow through the line or if the problem might be elsewhere. No issues, water flowed at a steady even rate. A triumph. I was even going to have enough daylight for some garden clean up. I reattached the line to the faucet (it has separate hot/cold handles, but a single spout). Opened up the water line, turned the handle, and.....nada. Despair. Must be in the faucet - so I commenced to take that off of the flexible lines, and ran water through that. Ran it did. For good measure I soaked that in CLR, too. Reassembled the whole thing with very little optimism at this point. Turned the handle. Nothing. Absolute bafflement. Here's a possible clue: when the handle is turned, the pipe in the basement makes a "thunk". This is a well constructed mid century home, and the faucet in question is only a couple years old and of a good quality. Help! My frustration is all consuming.