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Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
Sudbury, Ontario
Hi,I am new to this forum and I would like to ask a question.I will be installing a new vanity top.The old top has the the drain off center( closer to the wall). Is their any fitting on the market to extend by a flexable sleeve or do I have to cut the plastic pipe and put an extension of plastic pipe to get the proper center distance to the new drain hole? Thanks in advance.
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Being new to the forum I read the question over and it sounded pretty lame.I will start again,the new center distance from the wall to the center of the new top where the drain is longer.Present time P-Trap is glued to pipe coming out of the wall,I think I will need to cut off the P-Trap and put a Rubber adapter and extend the P-Trap out to the new center distance using a new p-Trap with new ABS piping.Any suggestions would be helpful.
If your old plumbing is all ABS and already glued in, yes, you may need to cut the fitting coming out of the wall, provided you leave enough pipe to reglue a new fitting on it. Most of the ABS undersink fittings are easily cut and adjusted to provide a good fit for your new sink. You also have the option to install threaded PVC fittings which will also work fine provided you use the included compression rings.
Thank You for your reply.It was great that You being a moderator, that you gave me some professional advice.