I’m remodeling a shower and would like to have a flexible shower head in addition to a standard shower head. I purchased a Moen kit with a standard shower head and mixing valve.
Can I install a wall mounted diverter in line with the shower head outlet of the mixing valve to direct the water flow to the flexible head without having the ratty looking diverter add on behind the main shower head? Would this cause an issue when the water is not flowing out of the fixture?
I’m thinking of the way a standard tub and shower head set up is where the water flows out of the tub faucet until you pull up on the diverter to redirect flow to the head. In this set up the water continues to have a path to flow. If I stop the flow of water, with the inline diverter, would pressure back up and cause the diverter or another conponent to fail?
Another option I thought of is to the have a standard tub and shower head mixing valve but don’t use the tub fixture . I’m thinking I could run the bottom outlet, of the mixing valve, to the head and run the top outlet to the flex shower head mounted off to the side. For this to work I’d need a valve to stop the flow at the shower head redirecting the flow to the flex head.
I’m sure I’m overthinking this but I don’t want to buy a $300-$400 or more set up that isn’t of good quality. All I can find is brands I’ve never heard of and the dreaded diverter behind the shower head.
Please help, thanks.
Can I install a wall mounted diverter in line with the shower head outlet of the mixing valve to direct the water flow to the flexible head without having the ratty looking diverter add on behind the main shower head? Would this cause an issue when the water is not flowing out of the fixture?
I’m thinking of the way a standard tub and shower head set up is where the water flows out of the tub faucet until you pull up on the diverter to redirect flow to the head. In this set up the water continues to have a path to flow. If I stop the flow of water, with the inline diverter, would pressure back up and cause the diverter or another conponent to fail?
Another option I thought of is to the have a standard tub and shower head mixing valve but don’t use the tub fixture . I’m thinking I could run the bottom outlet, of the mixing valve, to the head and run the top outlet to the flex shower head mounted off to the side. For this to work I’d need a valve to stop the flow at the shower head redirecting the flow to the flex head.
I’m sure I’m overthinking this but I don’t want to buy a $300-$400 or more set up that isn’t of good quality. All I can find is brands I’ve never heard of and the dreaded diverter behind the shower head.

Please help, thanks.