hey gang its my first post here in your forum and I have to say I love this forum! Very helpful.
So here's my question. I bought a couple coils on Craigslist of this black Pal alPex made by from aquitherm. It's rated at 200 degrees and I think 200 psi. it's definitely a PEX alpex product. But when i did some searching online to make sure I'm using the right type of fittings I could not find it. when I asked about it at the plumbing supply company in my city, the one that supposedly knows everything, and nobody there had ever heard of it or seen it before in black. Does anybody know anything about this product and which type of fittings I should use ....compression etc? Thanks
So here's my question. I bought a couple coils on Craigslist of this black Pal alPex made by from aquitherm. It's rated at 200 degrees and I think 200 psi. it's definitely a PEX alpex product. But when i did some searching online to make sure I'm using the right type of fittings I could not find it. when I asked about it at the plumbing supply company in my city, the one that supposedly knows everything, and nobody there had ever heard of it or seen it before in black. Does anybody know anything about this product and which type of fittings I should use ....compression etc? Thanks