Mansfield Flush Valve Seal?

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Apr 16, 2011
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
HI all,

Hopefully a simple question, but wasn't one i could find out via google. I have a Mansfield (think #35) toilet thats been difficult to flush. After doing that for a short time, I had one instance where the thing that pops up when you flush (technical term) didn't come back down all the way so the toilet kept running, not filling up really at all. I of course, panicked, but someone told me maybe it's the flush valve seal. The hard to flush sounds right-ish, but what about the not coming back down to seal? I'm curious if that would explain that as well. One more thing which is confusing me, and hopefully someone can explain. Whenever i look up replacing this, everyone says this is a 'red seal'. In my case, the seal that things sit on and that is in that top groove (and spins) is actually black...I've been in this house for almost 30 years so i'm guessing that was original to toilet (circa 1986 when house was built-ish?) and not some knock off, so does that mean i have some different size? Lots of questions i know, but trying to figure out if i should attempt to repair or replace the toilet.

Thanks for any insight/if anyone has had similar issues :)
Best thing to do is 1st take pictures of the inside of the tank with the tank cover off
2nd on the back right of the tank there is usually 4 #s printed in black or possibly imprinted in the tank, these #s will give you the exact parts for the toilet if you call Mansfield or a plumbing supply house
It sounds like there is an issue with either the handle or the flapper(which is connected to the handle) by a small chain
Hmmm, the 2nd one 'looks' similar. I'll have to dissassemble and measure to be sure. The red one I kept finding was also for 210 flush valve, so maybe I can try that one and see if it fits. Unfortunately, other than the "35" that's stamped in the toilet, i dont see anything telling me what flush valve was used--course, i'm old, so maybe its there and I just can't see it :)

Looks easy enough that's it worth trying...
Hmmm, the 2nd one 'looks' similar. I'll have to dissassemble and measure to be sure. The red one I kept finding was also for 210 flush valve, so maybe I can try that one and see if it fits. Unfortunately, other than the "35" that's stamped in the toilet, i dont see anything telling me what flush valve was used--course, i'm old, so maybe its there and I just can't see it :)

Looks easy enough that's it worth trying...
You’ll see the same seal offered in different colors based on different manufacturers

Take yours off and post a picture of it.
I don't like the Mansfield system and have routinely replace them with a standard flapper flush valve and a Fluidmaster fill valve. More work, but a better operating system IMHO.
Buy a genuine Mansfield 210 gasket and they will be red. Just make sure you get the gasket in the groove. Once on the
gasket should move easily in the groove.