Laundry Sink Proximity To Electrical Panel

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New Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Los Angeles, California
I want to add a laundry sink in the garage. Is there a stipulation as to the closeness of the sink to an electrical breaker panel? Where the sink needs to go is almost underneath a breaker panel. Anyone run across a situation like this before.
In this situation the person to ask would be an electrician. As far as plumbing codes go, I know of nothing that dictates where a laundry sink can/cannot be in relation to an electrical panel. If you look at it from the opposite perspective an electrician may have a code limitation for where the panel can be in relation to a laundry sink. If you ask an electrician (on another forum, maybe?) it would be best to measure the distances involved between the panel and sink before asking the question and be sure the electrician is familiar with your local codes. Different regions have different rules and reasons.
Hope this was helpful.
I do not know California codes, and almost none of my local electrical codes. But I do know that local electrical code requires 36" of clear space in front of electrical panels.
Thanks for the replies. Yes I know about the 36" clearance requirement in front of electrical panels. Not sure if that clearance is just in front of the panel or from floor to ceiling in front of the panel. Again thanks for the input.
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