Kraus faucet leaking and hose coming off

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New Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Hi, Unfortunately I bought a Kraus faucet from Home Depot and the end of the hose that connects to the faucet keeps sliding of eventually . I noticed this morning that before it comes off it will leak. It just slides on to the connection. Any suggestions on how to remedy thew problem ? I have thought about using loctite or plumbers tape or putty but I'm unsure. Especially loctite because the connection swivels. Right now I have the spring that the hose runs through and that keeps the hose up off so I can keep an eye on the connection. I would jut go but a different faucet but I pad 300 bucks for this one and have seen very little mileage out of it. I went on Home depots website and it is showing no record of the purchase. I have no idea exactly when I bought it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!