Kitchen Sink Drain Problem

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May 6, 2010
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I live in a second floor apartment above my landlord in Brooklyn NY. When we wash our dishes and drain the water it seems to flow down and then backs up in his sink.before draining. He insists that i drain my water to quickly from my sink and is getting upset about it. I just need some advice on what to tell the guy what the problem is. I have never heard that you can drain your water to quick from a upstairs sink! I told him it sounds like his pipes are in bad shape. Please help its causing a major riff between us. We are both hard headed and want a soloution.

Thanks Matt
It sounds like your sinks have been piped using the "waste stack vent" method. Meaning your kitchen sink and his kitchen sink tie in to the same vertical line. Kitchen drains are more susceptible than most other lines in the house due to grease buildup. Couple this with the fact that many basement laundries are then tied into the horizontal underground extension of this pipe and you have a recipe for a back-up.

If all things are running properly you could never "drain a sink too fast". There is a buildup of grease and debris at the base of the stack. A good snake job will "clear" your troubles.

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