Kitchen drain help please.

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Casey Kidwell

New Member
Jan 30, 2019
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Hi there. I've got a solid clog I cannot deal with. Every other drain is fine except for the kitchen. Two sink drain. I started with clogging one side and plunging. Then switched. Pulled the trap and all clean. Uh-oh. My Wife seems to remember a recent episode where she poured a considerable amount of rice down the disposal. Which is what I found using a drain auger. Small "cores" of mostly firm rice, a little paper and coffee grounds. The drain makes a direct right down the wall and there is an overflow/cleanout thingy at 3 feetish. Here's the weird thing. I was reaming from the kitchen side and had a twist of baling wire on the end to try to snag more junk, which I promptly lost in the clog. Well I pulled it through when going from the other side at the cleanout/overflow! WTH? And if I didn't know any better I would say I'm pulling the clog around in the drain. It just feels kind of spongy and the distance I find it at changes. Any help appreciated.
You need to have an electric snake ran through your kitchen drain. Probably plugged solid with rice. That and coffee
grounds like to stick to the wall of the drain pipe.
Thanks Tom. The clog is only like 5' down the line and I put a big drill on the auger and reamed the hell out of it. But it has the small spiral head. I've used large drain cleaning equipment for the main drain but I'm not familiar with what's available in the medium range. What snake would you recommend?
you should be ok with a 1/4 inch cable with a spring head just don't force it when you feel a restriction just stay there with a little pressure and let the snake do the work