Installed toilet, now all pipes are plugged

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Nov 13, 2016
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I live in a mobile home in a mobile home park. Recently we experienced drainage problems throughout the house and water coming from under the toilet. Thinking we had a clogged toilet drain we attempted to snake the toilet. It did not work.

I removed the toilet in an attempt to gain better access for the snake. After 25' of snaking, the problem persisted. We contacted the property owners. They indicated to us that another tenant was having the same problems. After pouring a lot of different chemicals down the drains that didn't work, they finally broke down and hired a professional plumber. This plumber used a HUGE power snake that DID NOT unclog our pipes. (Although it did quite a number on our PVC pipes)

Ultimately the property managers were told that the main sewer line was cracked. The managers failed to follow through with the recommended repairs. In the interim, we isolated the toilet drain so as to avoid the stench, used an alternate toilet off the property to do our business, but were able to use the remaining drains SPARINGLY to take showers, wash dishes, etc. as they seemed to drain as long as not too much water was used.

A while later, the managers came to us stating that the problem had been fixed for the other tenants by pouring chemicals into their drains. As our drains seemed to be working fairly well at this point we decided to go ahead and re-install the toilet.

HOWEVER! As soon as I finished re-installing the toilet, EVERYTHING backed up into our bathtub, and out from under the toilet. Hindsight pointed out to me that there was still water in the drain pipe of the toilet indicating that it had never been drained but I didn't remember this until all was done.

My question is this. How come simply re-installing the toilet would cause the rest of the household drains to back-flow into the bathtub? And how come the water doesn't drain now at all? Not even slowly anymore? If I removed the toilet again, would the drains start to work again like they did before? I'm really confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
My question is this. How come simply re-installing the toilet would cause the rest of the household drains to back-flow into the bathtub? And how come the water doesn't drain now at all? Not even slowly anymore? If I removed the toilet again, would the drains start to work again like they did before? I'm really confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated

when the toilet was removed, the low point of the sewer was the floor,
when the tiolet was replaced, it moved the lo point from the floor to the next low point which is the tub

So what is the fix for this? Simply find the clog and remove it correct?
Does this information help to determine where the clog might be?

Oh, and thank you. That makes sense.
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The drain lines need to be inspected if you are having persistent problems. Hire someone with a sewer camera. They will show you where the blockages are occurring and what it takes to repair it. Leave the chemicals alone.
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Anyone who even mentions using chemicals should be immediately told to leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out. They would not have any clue about plumbing.
Well, I didn't go the chemical route, but I have been trying Baking soda and vinegar. No real luck yet, though. I've been getting some bubbling in the lines but no real drainage improvement. There is a whole bunch of really Black granular type stuff that's been coming up with the backflow. Not really sure what that is...
I'm afraid of retaliation by the owner.

It does not sound like it's in your trailer lines, but the main taps. Why are you afraid? If they don't fix it pursue it legally. If they rebuke and throw you out, sue them. I have seen this type of thing in the mobile home parks where I live. And nothing is ever done with these slum-lords.