I have a 25 yr old propane water heater (A.O. Smith model# FSG 50 243) installed in a short term vacation rental, so it doesn't get used for days at a time. If the hot water has not been on for a while it only comes out lukewarm, but never cold. If the lukewarm hot water is run for a while and then turned off you get normal hot water about an hour+ later. It's almost like it goes in to a sleep mode and once some water is removed it heats the entire tank back up to normal. This has been going on a number of years but prior to that it seemed to function normally. It has been flushed relatively recently but no real maintenance beyond that. FWIW the label on the unit says, "EQUIPPED WITH HIGH ALTITUDE ORIFICE, SEA LEVEL ORIFICE = 50." Thank you in advance for any suggestions.