How exact does rough in for shower need to be?

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New Member
Aug 16, 2019
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20190816_090345-756x1008.jpg Hello,

I am installing a standalone shower. I have most of my plumbing roughed in. My issue is that I will be installing a handheld wand that threads onto a male threaded fitting. There is no adjustment that I can see for different thicknesses of wall. If my male end sticks out too much of finished wall it will look very silly and I'll have a large gap to try to hide. If guess wrong the other way then connection will leak. It feels like I have to get it right.the first time. Surely there must be an easier way. I will include pictures for illustration.

Currently I have a 9/16" gap from Kerdi board but tile varies from 5/16" to 7/16" (has a wave texture), that doesn't leave a lot of room for thinset and I need to wet shim the Kerdiboard yet. Should I extend it now while I still can?
It doesn't have an escutcheon? Normally the manufacturer provides exact dimensions of how far out the fitting needs to be.
No escutcheon. Just what you see in the photo. Its an Italian manufacturer and the directions given where mostly in broken english but I will take a second look.

Funny that they do have a range of play for the shower valve body but don't seem to for this.