I am installing a standalone shower. I have most of my plumbing roughed in. My issue is that I will be installing a handheld wand that threads onto a male threaded fitting. There is no adjustment that I can see for different thicknesses of wall. If my male end sticks out too much of finished wall it will look very silly and I'll have a large gap to try to hide. If guess wrong the other way then connection will leak. It feels like I have to get it right.the first time. Surely there must be an easier way. I will include pictures for illustration.
Currently I have a 9/16" gap from Kerdi board but tile varies from 5/16" to 7/16" (has a wave texture), that doesn't leave a lot of room for thinset and I need to wet shim the Kerdiboard yet. Should I extend it now while I still can?