Hot Water Boiler Run Frequently - Bad for Boiler?

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Active Member
Oct 30, 2019
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New Jersey
I have a two family/duplex and notice my hot water boiler (1950s american standard) runs quite often.

I have two honeywell thermostats with a zone for each apartment.

My concern is that engaging the boiler too many times will put stress on it.

I have been thinking of replacing the thermostats with a LexPro thermostat which I understand allows you to set a temperature swing which means the temperature must change by a few points before it will tell the boiler to work.

My question is - is it fine to have the boiler run frequently and turn on to try and maintain the temperature or is it better to install a thermostat that spaces out the times it runs?
Frequent cycling is normal and nothing to worry about.
You would save yourself lots of money in the long run if you got a higher effeciency (AFUE) boiler! Those old boilers are typically 70+% AFUE, a good modern boiler will be higher than 94%.
Thanks. I do plan to buy another or at least just buy Another boiler for the upstairs zone to give this boiler a break.

My plumber said that this one is actually 80% efficient , he came to that conclusion by multiplying the BTU by another number which I don’t recall.

I guess it might have been 80% efficient when new but probably not anymore.

My only concern around buying a newer boiler is that from what I hear they only last 10-15 years. And a replacement with labor will cost around $4K. So even if this one is not efficient I don’t have to buy another unit and pay for the install.

are there any brands you’d recommend that last longer, say 20-30 years? Someone mentioned if I buy a cast iron model it will last long like this one.
The only way to figure out the efficiency of a boiler. Is to do an efficiency test all because a manufacturer claims that a boiler is 80% Efficient does not mean the boiler installed in your circumstance will be even from the first day That it was installed. Installer needs to do an efficiency test to make sure that it is fine-tuned.

And also Every install is different. You can install a boiler in your house that will last for 30 40 50 years and you can install the same boiler in your neighbor's house and it may **** the bed after 5. Years There are many contributing factors to the longevity of equipment
Not to mention there's probably some trade-off, if you had the opportunity to choose, between a unit built for longevity vs units designed and built for efficiency.

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