I was planning on replacing my wax ring because the toilet is rocking and I am concerned that it may be a little water under there.(or as my husband says I am just paranoid, that is why I waited to do this when he left town) It seems like everything in this house is just rigged up for quick fixes and nothing is done right. Any who the flange is not flushed with the concrete floor it is on top of the titles, however it is NOT moving. I was told that it needs to be flushed with the concrete. So my concern is do I leave the elevated flange there and just put down the wax ring on or should I definitely, pull out the old one, knock out some titles, and replace? My other concern is that if I do have to take the hard route, this old flange is Not using screws to hold it in place. And here in lies the entire confusion
what should I do? Suggestions please help
(oh and by the way my husband was wrong this is a little water under there