Heating loop piping

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Oct 8, 2019
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Hi. I’m installing new heating elements in a kitchen and need advice on installing. System is in its own zone. Will be running 8’ Runtal 6” baseboard and 2 Kickspace heaters. Runtal is 1/2” NPT so I assume use 1/2” hepex? Should I run through Kickspace heaters in series or Venturi tees? Should go through Kickspace then base or other direction? Thanks in advance
OK. Runtal and kickspace both 1/2” so do you reduced to half inch at each unit?
I assume you already looked into the sizing considerations, etc.
I noticed the specs on that 8’ Runtal 6” baseboard mentions something about a vent. You might want to look into whether you really need any additional vents. Wasn't clear to me.
While you're at it why not call Runtal and ask their opinion on some of your questions. Such as impact on circulation velocity due to 1/2" rather than 3/4". The BTU output shown is of course based on 1/2". But they don't get into velocity.
I’m still a bit confused by this. I have tried contacting Runtal but they are not getting back to me. Here are my confusions
1. If Runtal and kickspace heaters are both 1/2” isn’t flow and velocity restricted by that is everything is on same piping rather that fed by tees off of main loop?
2. Kickspace heaters mfgs recommend teeing off main pipe rather than pushing straight through heaters I’d rather push through as Frodo diagramed. Thoughts?
It is one zone for all 3 units and would all be on at same time.
I’m still a bit confused by this. I have tried contacting Runtal but they are not getting back to me. Here are my confusions
1. If Runtal and kickspace heaters are both 1/2” isn’t flow and velocity restricted by that is everything is on same piping rather that fed by tees off of main loop?
2. Kickspace heaters mfgs recommend teeing off main pipe rather than pushing straight through heaters I’d rather push through as Frodo diagramed. Thoughts?
Not sure what they are saying by teeing off main loop.
1. With the use of diverting tees(MonoFlo type)?
2. Tee off with dedicated circulators????
3. Rely on gravity? :rolleyes:

As I recall, you said this system will be on its own zone. Is that by way of a zone valve and a common circulator or its own zone using its own circulator?

I certainly would check further into it, as you are doing.
I am referring to monoflo/ venturi/scoop tees off one common 3/4 line for the kickspace heaters. Runtal is difficult to reach but it seems from their website they want direct in, direct out. By own zone I mean this is a dedicated loop controlled by one thermostat with a dedicated circulator
I am referring to monoflo/ venturi/scoop tees off one common 3/4 line for the kickspace heaters. Runtal is difficult to reach but it seems from their website they want direct in, direct out. By own zone I mean this is a dedicated loop controlled by one thermostat with a dedicated circulator
Being a dedicated circulator the series arrangement should work, even with the added restriction of 1/2" units. I doubt it would effect it much with what I assume would be a relatively short stretch of 1/2" stuff.

I'd be curious to hear what Runtal would say about that.