Ok so I am completing a pretty complicated DWV system in our dream home. I used 4" for the main 100' trunk line and 3" on all toilet arms and stacks and 2" on all else. I used all cell core schedule 40 PVC. I used blue all weather glue. I absolutely primed all joints (both pieces) and marked and fully seated all joints. Of course I twisted every joint I could as I seated them and held them seated for at least 30 seconds. On then large diameter it was near impossible to twist when seating. So some of those were pushed in fully and held. I absolutely applied ample glue to both pieces before seating. I also very securely hung all sections with plumbers steel tape every 48" on center. As I said this is a pretty complicated install with 5 bathrooms. And a couple other sinks and laundry. Today I glued on a cap at the 4" line that will go to the septic later. I installed a hose bib and a pressure gage and started filling the system thinking that I would fill until I saw it run out the roof. Wanted to confirm my work before inspection. It took 15 minutes to fill about 70%. At that point I found at least 6 leaks at various locations. Some were on 4" joints, a couple on 3" and a couple on 2". Needless to say I was frustrated, stressed, mad but mostly confused. This was not my first rodeo working with PVC so I have not a clue why the leaks. I was wondering if this was caused by the very huge and very heavy amount of water I filled the system with. I am stumped as to how gluing again will fix. And I should add that there are probably a hundred joints in this system so of course many did not l leak. Any help or advice on what happened would be great. Thank you for your time.