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Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Nashville, Tn
Hello Everyone,

I am hoping that someone will review/critique my plumbing layout before I take it to the city and apply for my permit. I also need help determining where to put clean outs. This a a 750 s.f. house on a slab, so I will be cutting concrete. I plan to tie the vents together in the attic and have one 3" stack through the roof. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Very Much!
Plumbing Plan.jpg Plumbing Front.jpg Plumbing ISO.jpg
@rsteve12...Nice plumbing CAD program you have there. What system is it?
Just an FYI...It's common to use dashed lines to depict vent lines.
You probably noticed that @frodo revised the combined vertical drain pipe serving the LAV and the Kitchen sink to individual drain lines. Would be interesting to know why. :)
@rsteve12...Nice plumbing CAD program you have there. What system is it?
Just an FYI...It's common to use dashed lines to depict vent lines.
You probably noticed that @frodo revised the combined vertical drain pipe serving the LAV and the Kitchen sink to individual drain lines. Would be interesting to know why. :)

when installing 2 fixtures on a fixture fitting
the barrel of the fitting shall be 2 pipe sizes larger than the trap
that would make him have to use a 3'' pipe in that wall
a 3'' pipe is 3 1/2'' when you put a fitting on the pipe it is 4'' OD
this would require a 6'' wall instead of the typical 4'' wall

so instead of causing all that drama with the cabinet maker's cabinets being 2'' off.
just use 2 pipes.
Thanks so much for the replies.

Diehard, that is Google Sketchup I am used for the drawings. I really like it. I drew the fittings myself. Thanks for telling me about the dotted lines.

Thanks a lot Frodo, I was wondering where to put clean outs. And I kept searching whether the law and kitchen sink can share a drain.

I am ready to cut concrete.

Thanks Again,
The lav and sink can share the same drain.
the pipe coming out of the ground would have to be 3''
and the fitting used is not a cross it is called a fixture fitting

Clean out for your dishwasher should be at 4' from the floor
so that it is accessible with out moving the washer

kitchen sink gets a co. always
Is it acceptable to have the top of the fitting flush with the top of the concrete, as seen in attached?


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sure,will not hurt a thing
if that is for a cleanout, it is to high, te clean out itself will be a tripping hazard

here is a solution... lay a wye on its side, then use a street 90 off the side of the wye
installed looking up.
now you have enough room to install the clean out flush with the floor