Okay, here's my observation. Now, I know that codes vary from region to region and still don't know what area we are dealing with, so please be gentle on criticisms. I'm only looking out for chucksangel's interests.
We can assume that the sewer is 4" PVC. The cleanouts are not an acceptable size. They should be 4" as well...minimum.
On that note, a cleanout before the backwater valve is unusual, typically it is only downstream of the BWV. No cleanout is needed before the BWV...running a cable into a BWV is a no-no. If a blockage occurs at the BWV, by accessing it you can determine the problem as well as what symptoms occur inside the house and resolve it with or without a cable once the flapper is removed.
If the BWV is more than 12" below grade and not in a vault, then it should have a service pipe attached to it so that the flapper can be retrieved and replaced.
The surrounding pipe, typically 6" pipe for a 4" BWV, must be attached to the body of the BWV so that no ground water, dirt/silt or gravel can enter and obstruct service of the valve.
The access at grade should not be jim-caps, but cleanout adapters with screw plugs. All connections solvent welded. This clearly indicates what the pipes are for and other services needed on the sewer. There is a trade-standard that has to apply to the installation of BWVs.
So if the "WTF is that arrangement" in my earlier post surprised anybody, that is why. I even surprised myself because I forgot who I've worked for in the past. At my previous company, the owners were the worst offenders. They have been sued by home owners and fined by the Health Dept. because of their trade practices and rely on a talent for bull-scat to get out of any situations that they can that will cost them money. Fast and cheap is the name of the game for new construction homes and documentation is the only protection for home buyers.
Find out if any local authority has jurisdiction over the plumbing installations in your area. Don't call yet, just find out who they are. If a sewer camera is used, ask for a copy of the inspection on tape or CD. If they say that they don't have that technology, push for it and don't be shy. If one belly exists, there could be a lot more. You don't want to be on this forum another year from now asking how to replace a your entire sewer to save a few thousand dollars.