Delta Shower Divertor

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Feb 8, 2017
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I recently installed a new shower/tubb divertor (RP5649). The old one was bad of course, now with the installation of the new one, after pushing the button the water comes out of the shower and also out of the tub spout. I’ve taken the shower valve apart and can’t find any noticeable problems. Could it be a bad divertor? Water pressure problems?
try another one ,if same problem occurs you probably have the wrong diverter
This is my problem on one of my houses right now. I am going back today. But start your diagnoses. On the new valve. The line going to tub spout. If it’s pex with crimp fittings then take it out. If you used shark bite on the “tub spout arm out “. Then you will need to remove the little white sleeves inside shark bite.
Another thing that was brought to my attention was high pressure. But your old valve worked fine? So which “pipe fittings” did you use
Fixed mine. How did you come out? I ended up removing the sleeves in shark bite erred ell and female attached to valve. This fixed my issue. Check your fittings. Get a supply list of 1/2” shark bite female. And 1/2 sharkbite erred ell. 2’ of copper. Open wall. Remove your female fitting from bottom of valve for tub. I should’ve videoed mine sry. Then reinstall with new fittings. Cut a 2x4 to stretch between studs to mount erred ell once your ready. On the tub Side I drill a hole 1.25” to allow a 6” driver to squeeze by erred ell and insert screws in mounting ears. Some people tell me it’s a trick while I doing it but after a few hundred it’s just another task.
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