Copper pipe repair type L for M

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New Member
Dec 31, 2019
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Lawrence, KS
I need to replace a small section of 3/4 type M hot water pipe and the hardware store gave me type L instead. Will that cause any problems? Also, I’ve read about how to do this and watched a bunch of videos and it seems like something I can do. Or should I call a pro? T.I.A!
It won't hurt a thing. Most guys won't even use M copper for potable water because its thinner. If your going to solder
and have never done it before you might want to practice on a piece or take a shot at it and solder it up all put together.
Just make sure the end of the copper is clean and the fitting is cleaned good and put paste in the fitting and on the
copper and give it a shot. Good Luck...............
Practice on some small pipe sections and cheap fittings.

All surfaces at both ends being soldered must be clean, and polished shiny by sanding or brushing.

And a thin coating of flux on all surfaces.

Flux is the magic juice that does a lot of the work!

Don’t overheat and burn off all the flux.

Practice first!

Two big rules:

If even a tiny bit of water is in the part you are trying to solder, it will probably fail and leak.

Have a helper nearby with a fire extinguisher, and use heat protection shields or pads when soldering near wood, drywall, or anything flammable.
You can buy Sharkbite fittings, they just push on and grab, no soldering needed.

You just need to make nice straight clean cuts in the copper tubing.

Look on Youtube or Google for info and videos.

They are great for almost all DIY repairs.

Home Depot and every big box and hardware store and Amazon sells Sharkbite fittings for copper pipe.